Friday, December 3, 2010

CVS scenerio

Here is my scenerio for CVS starting Sunday.

4 Zhu Zhu pets (on sale B1G1 free- use THIS printable coupon to get 1 free- so Buy 1- get it #2 free.  Buy #3, get #4 free- use coupon to get #3 for free-so you are technically only paying for 1)

Azo Itch Cream (not that I need it but I need to roll a few bucks over ) $6.99 (use $2 coupon HERE) and get $5 ECB back

Buy Motrin PM @ 5.99 (use $2 coupon in 11/21 SS)- pay $3.99 and get $3 back in ECB

So here is the breakdown:

Item Price Q1 Final Price ECB
Zhu zhu pet 9.99 0 9.99
Zhu zhu pet (b1g1 free sale) 0 0 0
Zhu zhu pet (buy 2 get 1 free coupon) 9.99 9.99 0
Zhu zhu pet (b1g1 free sale) 0 0 0 0
AZO itch cream 6.99 2 4.99 5
Motrin PM 5.99 2 3.99 3

0 0 0

0 0

0 0

Totals 32.96 14 18.97 8
$5 coupon (from email)
-5 13.97
30% off coupon (available online starting Saturday) $5.69 $8.28




I end up paying 86 cents for all of it :)-  Now- why did I have to buy the itch cream that I do not need?  I needed to bring my total up to $30 to use the coupon and I needed to roll some bucks.  So, it worked out.  I am crossing my fingers the 30% off will work- if not my total will be significantly higher ($13.97).  I have enough ECB to cover that AND that is still a deal considering I get back the $8 in ECB- but I'd LOVE to save that extra 30%!

ALSO- this is the order I am going to hand over my coupons.

1. $5 off $30 purchase
2. 30% off coupon
3. Man. qs
4. ECB


  1. I'm going to try the zhu zhu pet one...I'm still nervous lol thanks for sharing with us!!

  2. Don't be nervous! I will post back after I try it out on Sunday!


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