Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's not all about groceries!

So, being a savvy shopper isn't all about saving money on food and personal products.  We have to do things around the house too!  As a Frugal-ista it is important to me, I use coupons WHEREVER I go. 

Here is a perfect example-  we purchased a new house 2 years ago.  It literally had not been updated (style wise) since 1980.  So, we've slowly been updating it.  One of my most desired projects was redoing the fireplace (well just the face of it).

here is the original "look"

I wanted to tile over the brick and install glass doors to help with the cold draft.  But we were looking at $300 doors and over $100 for the mosaic tile I wanted. 

UNTIL we were at a thrift store yesterday (Why pay $25 for a book when you can wait a month or so and it will show up in your local thrift store for 25 cents?).  My husband found a perfect fair of fireplace doors!  NOT a single flaw on them except they were BRIGHT BRASS!  Instead of the $300 we were thinking they were $15!!

So we grabbed them and headed for out local Lowes Home Improvement WHERE...I found clearance mosaic tile!  They were not the EXACT color I wanted but they were so pretty and so inexpensive I grabbed them. PLUS I had JUST gotten a $10 off a $50 purchase at Lowes coupon from Vocal Point in the mail the other day!
Here is the final cost breakdown:
1 set of fireplace doors $15
1 can of heatproof paint $4.98
14 12x12 "galaxy" mosaic tiles 4.98 each (usually $10 a piece!)
1 container grout $25
1 container tile adhesive 5.98

Total Price $120.58
MINUS $10 coupon
Total price $110.58!

That is a great deal and here is the final product: (excuse the mess installation is done but cleanup wasn't!)


  1. Wow! You guys did a great job! I love home improvement projects!


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