One of the biggest companies that handles emails for MANY major brands has been hacked into (HERE is the article). Email addresses and names have been accessed for MANY many brands. I wanted to share this with you because the likely hood of you getting spam or phising emails fronting as these companies seems pretty high and many of them are companies that as couponers and frugal-istas we probably signed up for their emails! I have personally already begun recieving emails stating that my information has been accesesed. NOW ALL they got were names and email addresses SO if you signed up with your 2nd email (as I always do and try to remind people is a good idea), then really you will have no problems. All they got was your name (easy enough to find out anyway) and an email that you use to collect junk and coupons!
Here are the brands that have already been upfront and stated that their customers' emails were accessed:
-Best Buy
Just be extra cautious and NEVER EVER EVER give out personal information based on an email you RECEIVE. If you feel that it is legitimate request- contact the company using a TELEPHONE number you obtained elsewhere (i.e. your bill, credit card statement, etc)
I also got an email from Target saying they were compromised, as well.