Friday, May 13, 2011

Updated Harris Teeter Triples List!

Here is the updated, sorted version :)  I am going to start making my list out tonight!


  1. We have triple coupons coming? OH Please say it's so!!!!!

  2. Sooooo excited for Triples!! YAY YAY YAY!!

  3. FYI, I bought Thai Kitchen coconut milk at Kroger the other day for $1.09 ($2.09-$.50 coupon doubled), so the HT price is not the best.

    Thanks for the list!

  4. I don't have a Kroger near me :( Even with triples, the HT price is not always the best- awhile ago I did a comparison between Super doubles and Lowes Foods regular doubles- LF won by pennies- but they won

  5. Really?! LF won with their regular doubles?? That's good to know :)


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