Red baron Singles
- 3/$10 @ HT $1 coupon= 2.33
- 3.69 @ Lowes Foods = 2.69
- $1.49 at HT makes it .49
- 3.15 @ LF= 2.15
- marinade 2.99 @ HT = 1.99 (better deal at Target using the Target coupon AND this one!)
- Al sauce 3.49 @ LF = 2.49
- cake mix 1.79 @ HT
- Duncan hines brownies 1.19 @ LF
- Free milk WYB 2 at Harris Teeter (makes is 3.08 for milk and 2 yogurts!)
- 2.49 @ Lowes Foods = $1.49
- 2.00@ HT (makes it .50
- 2.29 @ LF (.79)
- $3 @ HT (makes it 1.50)
- 3.69 @ LF =2.19
- @ HT 1.39, use .50 digital, .50 PG insert = FREE
- @ HT 1.99, use $1 digital, .25 paper= .50!
- HT 1.99
- LF 1.77
- Lf 2.59
- HT 2.99
- 5.99 at LF and HT
- 3.99 @ HT
- 9 oz powder 2.79 @ HT (makes it 1.79)
- 2.85 @ LF
- 3.64 @ LF
- 4.49 @ HT
It looks like the Gilette Fusion razor is also a good deal with $4 HT digital coupon and $4 coupon in paper, and on sale for 9.99.