Many people use coupon binders. I have never gotten into that trend. I have always used what I call the envelope style. I keep all my inserts complete and whole until I need a specific coupon. THEN and only THEN I cut the coupon and put it into the envelope I am going to use on that day.
WHY? Perfect example (besides the fact that this way I go into the store with a specific list and don't have to wrestle 3 kids AND a binder) is what happened to me 2 days ago. I made a quick final Super Doubles run. I took my 2 daughters, ages 3 and 7. The 3 year old decided to throw a massive fit in the store. As the horrid mother that I am we finished our shopping (I was only getting 5 items and we already had 4 in the cart). As I was checking out, I was so flustered. But my scenario worked out and all was well on that end.
UNTIL I went to get that envelope to get a catalina I had decided NOT to use on that trip as well as a Lowes Foods Fresh Rewards Coupon (since Lowes was supposed to be my next stop). I CANNOT FIND IT. I am seriously grieving here! The loss of a $5 Fresh rewards and a $3 catalina is NOT the end of the world, but my heart isn't listening!
BUT imagine if that $7 was $500 worth of binder and coupons! Trust me no matter how honest many people are- it just takes one person to recognize the value of that coupon binder and take it to their car!
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