Thursday, May 26, 2011

Harris Teeter Evic weeekend specials!

Here are the Saturday Only Specials for Harris Teeter:

Capri Sun 10 ct .99 LIMIT 2
16 oz Nabisco Chips Ahoy .99 LIMIT 2

Here are MY personal EVIC specials.  Yours WILL vary but I post them in case you have any of the same ones!

20 oz ghiradelli Brownie Mix 2/$3  limit 2
8 oz Kraft Shredded cheese B1g1 (limit 2 free)
27.8-33.9 oz Folgers coffee OR 12 oz Dunkin Donuts 7.49 limit 2
24 oz Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing 2.99 LIMIT 2
  • Look for a $1 savingstar coupon!
  • $1 SS 5/15
Athena Cantaloupes 2.49 LIMIT 2
16 oz HT Deli Style beef Weiners or franks 1.50 limit 2
1 gallon HT milk, excludes organic $2.57 limit 2

1 comment:

  1. I got most of the same e-vics and I'm so upset that I'm going to be out of town on Saturday to get the Capri Suns for my son:(


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