Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Harris Teeter Triples Tips

Are you heading out to get some deals at Harris Teeter this week (or maybe you are already there!  Last coupon event people were lined up before the stores opened!)

A few things to remember:
1. Have back up coupons.  It is almost guaranteed that they will be out of something (most) of your "freebies" by this afternoon (wonderful for me since I don't get to go until late tonight!)

2. You CAN use more than 20 coupons but only 20 will triple.

3. B1G1 sales- buy only 1 per day so you can use a coupon on each product!

4. GET RAINCHECKS on everything on sale that is out of stock.  It won't make your coupon triple BUT you can get that sale price again! (I edited to add "out of stock" )

5. Be nice to your cashier :)  It is going to be a CrAzY week for them!

6. Come back and tell us how you did and/or any other great deals you found!

Happy Saving!


  1. you only can get rainchecks if the item is out. lets keep it honest.

  2. Please be nice to your cashier! As a former cashier it will really help your checkout go smoother when you have a nice attitude :)

  3. In reply to anonymous- to me that didn't need to be said :) But I will edit the post!

  4. Also I don't think HT would give rainchecks on items not out of stock :)

  5. I'm going tonight after work! I pray that there's still some stuff on the shelves!!

  6. Me too! I won't be going until about 8 and I am so scared nothing will be left :) I am making my list with some of the less common coupons (like tear pads, old printables, etc) so hopefully what I want will still be there!


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