Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Harris Teeter 12/29

Here is my list for today:  I am buying a bunch of Proctor and Gamble items since they are running a special : Buy $40 worth of products (after VIC discount) and get $10 catalina for your next purchase.

Charmin 5.99  (.25 coupon in PG ad)
2 Cascade 3.99 (use .25 coupon)
Herbel Essence 4.50 each (buy 4 use 2 B1G1 coupons in PG)
2 Olay Body Wash 3.99 (use $2 coupon)
Dawn 1.99 (use .25 coupon)
Mueller Spaghetti $1 (use 3 .55 coupons printable)
Fleishcmann Yeast .99 (use .50 coupon printable) or .40 12/5 SS)

Total Value: $45.93, OOP 26.94 and get a $10 catalina back.

My plan is to roll this catalina into another PG deal (we need TP and shampoo!) but I will come up with that scenerio later in the week!

1 comment:

  1. So the $40 is after the VIC discounts but before coupons? I need to work on a list!


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